Installation of SIR/XS under Unix Note: These instructions are generic unix installation instructions. The downloaded file is referred to here as sirxsxxx.tar where the xxx is a three letter abrieviation (TLA) for the particular unix platform. For example: sirxssol.tar == Solaris sirxslux.tar == linux ... Note: In order to run SIR/XS you will need a valid licence code. If you have a maintained licence (not a perpetual licence) for an earlier version of SIR then you can use that code or contact SIR Pty Ltd for a new code. Demonstration licence codes are available and will last around two months. Overview The downloaded file, sirxsxxx.tar.gz is a zipped (gzip) archive (tar) of the SIRXS installation directory. To install SIR/XS you need to build the installation directory and update three environment variables for each SIR/XS user. Detailed Instructions 1) UNZIP the zipped archive gunzip sirxsxxx.tar.gz This will create a tar file sirxsxxx.tar You should put this tar file into the parent directory of the location where you wish to install SIRXS. You may need root permission to achieve this. for example: mv sirxsxxx.tar /usr cd /usr 2) UNTAR the tar file tar -xvf sirxsxxx.tar This will create the sirxs subdirectory in your current directory, create all necessary subdirectories inside sirxs and copy all the files. If you prefer to do so, you can now change the name of SIR home directory from sirxs to anything else. Note that you need to specify a proper platform code instead of 'xxx' (see the readme.txt in the root directory of the installation CD). You may need a slightly different combination of the tar's options depending on your version of the tar program. Normally you would like to take the ownership of the files and directories and preserve the permission bits, which are all 755/644 inside the archive file. 3) If only a small group of power users use SIR on your system, you might wish to modify the owner/group and access rights status of the files and subdirectories installed. It would allow power users to add custom help pages, images and toolbar button bitmaps into the relevant subdirectories of the SIR home directory, replace keymap files and even modify the code in the core libraries of SIR stored in the SIR system procedure file. 4) Write brief instructions for your users, so they know the name of the SIR home directory for this version and can perform the end-user part of installation for their specific environments. And do it yourself before moving to step 6. 5) Run the sir executable file. Your will be prompted to type in your licence information and SIR will create the licence file sir.lcn in SIR home directory. It is a text file and can be edited manually if you don't have the X-Window environment and have installed SIR only for its server functionality. In that case, you need to create the file manually. Write your user id on the first line, your licence code on the second and the licence holder name on the third. This will also build the help keyword database. 6) You should create two keymap files (*.kmp). You are prompted to create these when you run sir and sirforms for the first time or is the appropriate keymap file cannot be found. There are eight required keys that you should map (enter, backspace escape up down left right and shift+F1) the last key mapped will bring up the key map window and allow you to change the keymappings. If you have sirforms users or old style PQL graphic applications then you should map some other key functions such as page up, page down, execute etc. Note that the keymap file will be saved in your CURRENT working directory. You may need to copy it into SIR home directory. Repeat the same for SIRFORMS. When users run SIR, it searches for keymap files in the current working directory and if a local copy is not found, uses the file from SIR home directory. If different users use different X-Window environments (some work on the Unix machine itself, others access it using the X-Window emulators installed on their PCs), the remote users will have to keep their own keymap files in a directory which is their current directory when they run SIR. 7) Check that the fonts used by SIR (defined in .sir in user's home directory) are present on your system. The sample version of .sir can be found in the test subdirectory of the SIR home directory under the name sir.ini. Edit it if the fonts have to be changed and tell the users to take it. You might need to create a special version of this file for the users running SIR from remote PCs under X-Window emulators. 8) each SIR user should edit their user profile to include the following: - Define SIRDIR environment variable pointing to SIR home directory - Include SIR home directory into your PATH - Include it into the list of directories searched by the loader for the shared libraries (if there are *.so/*.sl files installed into SIR home directory) The person who has installed SIR on the system can provide you with instructions on how to do it in your specific environment. Here is an example of the lines which you might have in your .profile file under Solaris: SIRDIR=/usr/sirxs PATH=$PATH:$SIRDIR LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/opt/SUNWmotif/lib:/lib:$SIRDIR export SIRDIR PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH (the environment variable SHLIB_PATH may also be required on some systems) - When each user runs SIR/XS for the first time, a configuration file is created in their home directory. This file is called .sir and one key thing that is required is the command name for the user's preferred html viewer (this is for viewing the help files). Each user will be prompted for this on their first execution but it can be changed at any time in the settings/Preferences... dialog. - If the user is working through an xwindows emulator then they may need to specify alternate fonts and they may have trouble doing this in the preferences dialog (ie if they cannot see the dialog font). To modify these (or any) settings you can edit the .sir file directly and change the sir.fnamm (menu font) sir.fnamn (dialog font) sir.fnamt (output font) and exw.fname (execution window font) accordingly. for example: sir.fnamm: variable sir.fnamn: variable sir.fnamt: fixed exw.fname: fixed tip: use the xlsfonts command to list the xwindows fonts available.